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We have partnered with the largest, safest and most trusted money transfer companies in the world like Visa and Mastercard. We are PCI / DSS certified and our forms are protected with an SSL certificate. Using a PSP will make your business much safer. For more information, contact us today.

Merchants that work with a payment service provider will save money, as the fees for using a PSP are much less than the cost involved in integrating individual payment types. This is because the PSP receives bulk processing discounts and is already set up to deal with many payment options. Accepting payments is also safer thanks to our certifications and compliance policies.

Contact us from the get a quote section of our website, our representatives will contact you as soon as possible, and consult you on what would be best for your business.

You won't have to pay us to get started, we will collect our pocessing fees from the payments you receive and/or send. Contact us for more information about our Tariffs & Fees.

